
DOI: 10.70786/PTJ.V41.5942(PTOJ) - Based on the motto "the people know, the people discuss, the people do, the people check" in ensuring and promoting socialist democracy, the 13th National Party Congress supplemented the element of "the people supervise, the people enjoy". This is a new point, demonstrating the development of the Party's understanding of the issue of building and ensuring the implementation of democracy; Affirming the superior nature of the socialist regime in Vietnam, placing the people as the center, being both the subject, and objective, as well as the driving force of development. This article clarifies the current situation and proposes some solutions to promote the people's right to mastery, ensuring the effective implementation of the motto "the people supervise, the people enjoy". This article is the result of research by the ministerial-level project: "Ensuring "the people supervise, the people enjoy" by law according to the viewpoint of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in the Southeast region today".
(LLCT) - Implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam on "A number of issues on continued renovation and organization of the apparatus towards a streamlined, effective and efficient political system” and 4 years of implementing the Resolution No. 39-NQ/TW dated April 17, 2015 of the Poliburo “on downsizing/restructuring the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees”, Vinh Phuc Provincial Party Committee has actively implemented the arrangement and restructuring of the apparatus of a number of administrative agencies and non-business units which are of similar functions and duties, of inappropriate operation scale, size, and with low performance, thus initial important results have been achieved. However, Vinh Phuc is in the face of difficulties and obstacles in the implementation process and needs attention and support from the Central Government.
(PTOJ) - Based on secondary data sources, statistical data and the results of the national project titled "Research on the relationship between the state, market and society in social development management in Vietnam", a quantitative survey with 1,500 samples, 80 in-depth interviews with groups of officials working in departments, agencies, enterprises and some social organizations, representatives of households in 6 provinces and cities in 2020, this article analyzes a number of aspects reflecting the success and limitations of the State, the market and society in occupational restructuring, suggesting implications on policy in order to promote rapid and sustainable occupational structure for our country in the 2021-2030 period toward a modern industrial society which was outlined in the Documents of the 13th National Party Congress.