The nationality issue in the Communist Party Manifesto and its significance for the current Vietnamese revolution

06/02/2024 00:00

Institute of Scientific Socialism,
Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

(LLCT) - In today's world, wars, and conflicts, including ethnic conflicts are occurring in a highly complex manner. Therefore, joining hands to resolve that conflict in the direction of ensuring the genuine interests of the nations is the aspiration of progressive mankind. On the occasion of the 205th anniversary of Karl Marx's birth and the 140th anniversary of his passing, this article analyzes the basic arguments on the national issue in the Communist Party Manifesto and affirms their values for the current Vietnamese revolution.

The nationality issue in the Communist Party Manifesto and its significance for the current Vietnamese revolution

The working class - the vanguards of the Vietnamese revolution - Photo: DC

1. Fundamental arguments on the national issue in the Communist Party Manifesto

Even though the current era has undergone significant changes, the basic rules, principles, and views of the scientific theoretical system of Marxism - Leninism are still valid. The national issue - an important topic within Marxism - Leninism is among them. The Communist Party Manifesto alone has many particularly important points about the national issue which still holds profound significance for the working class and for the Communist Party itself in the process of understanding and resolving nationality and ethnic relations.

The first issue: On the basis of national formation

With the new worldview - the historical materialistic perspective expressed in works such as The Holy Family, German ideology, etc., and reaching maturity in the Communist Manifesto, the founders of Marxism viewed the national question according to a new principle. Accordingly, all historical phenomena are no longer reduced to the capacity of the spirit, of the gods, or the subjective will of man, but are ultimately determined by material production. K. Marx and F. Engels said: “The mode of production of material life determines the processes of social, political and spiritual life in general”(1). In that sense, it is the change in material production that has given rise to forms of human community (clans, tribes). When the bourgeoisie emerged as the representing a new mode of production that was more advanced than those that came before, production needs led to the gradual concentration of populations and the previously isolated social relations within feudal territories expanded, etc. In this way, step by step, the bourgeois nation was formed.

In this regard, in 1874, in his works titled The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, F. Engels carefully studied and made additions based on the documents of contemporary anthropologists. According to this, the first form of human community to appear was the clans. Along with the production and life process, other forms of human communities such as clans, tribes and ultimately nations, emerged.

The aforementioned view has clarified the historical truth about the birth of human community forms. That history is no longer mystified like religious perspective or speculative nature of idealistic philosophers. A nation/ethnic group is a product that ultimately comes from the movement of material production. Therefore, the derived meaningful issue is that to enhance solidarity and unity within a nation - ethnicity, or between nations - ethnicities, it is necessary to increase social relations in all areas of life, from economic to political and other fields.

The second issue: On the mode of ethno-national formation

It can be asserted that one of the important findings by the founders of Marxism - Leninism regarding nations is the identification of typical methods in the process of national formation in the world. The Communist Manifesto also addresses this issue. Accordingly, in Europe essentially, nations were formed in association with the role of the capitalist mode of production. The Manifesto states: “Independent localities, linked almost exclusively by alliances and having different interests, laws, governments, and tariffs, have been brought together into a unified people, a unified government, a unified rule of law, a unified class interest, and a unified tariff barrier”(2).

With other regions of the world, due to different historical conditions, nations/ethnic groups born with their own unique characteristics. Typically, in Asia, nations emerged early and were closely tied to the role of the state. In North America, some nations - ethnicities were born due to the impact of colonization and were formed after wars and conflicts.

From the above point of view, significantly we can infer that nations are not born in a single way. On the contrary, each ethnic group is formed depends on the historical and cultural characteristics of each community. Therefore, when addressing national issues, the governments of countries need to pay special attention to the uniqueness of each form of human community to avoid subjective and imposed mistakes.

The third issue: On the relationship between class and nation/ethnicity and the way to overcome ethnic oppression

Since the birth of class and subsequently nations/ethnicities, class has always had a connection to ethnicity/nations. The Communist Manifesto affirms that fact. Accordingly, in each period of the nation’s history, there is a most advanced class, chosen by the nation to represent the them. When that class becomes obsolete and does not meet the requirements of the nation, the nation will choose another class to replace it.

History shows that, in the ascendant period, the bourgeoisie played the role of the revolutionary class, itself the representative of the nation, and that nation is the bourgeois nation. Conversely, when this class lost its role, becoming a hindrance to social progress, the nation would inevitably seek another class to represent it. Under such conditions, the interests of the bourgeoisie are no longer compatible with the interests of the nation. In that sense, “the working class has no homeland” because that homeland is the homeland of the bourgeoisie.

Studying the nature of the capitalist mode of production, K. Marx and F. Engels found that, although more advanced than the feudal mode of production, the capitalist system fails to overcome class oppression even though it was disguised in increasingly sophisticated ways. It is the bourgeoisie that is the cause of the deepening social divisions, which bourgeois scholars have tried to justify, but ultimately have had to admit this truth. In particular, the expansion of capitalism on a global scale has given an appearance of a new form of oppression - capitalist national oppression.

Analyzing the causes of national oppression in the capitalist era, the Manifesto shows that class oppression is the cause of national oppression. The reason is that, in search of capital, the bourgeoisie cannot help but expand the market to consume goods beyond the national-ethnic border and the expansion of the capitalist market often correlates with wars and invasions. Accordingly, different forms of colonialism were born. Not only did the powerful bourgeois states oppress weaker capitalist nations, but also gave rise to a new form of oppression - where a collective of capitalist nations subjugated and colonized weaker nations.

Based on this reality, K. Marx and F. Engels concluded that to thoroughly eliminate national oppression, it is necessary to completely abolish class oppression in each nation, ethnic group and globally. “Abolish the exploitation of people by people, and the exploitation of one nation by another will also be abolished”(3).

However, because the national issue is closely linked with the class issue, as the class struggle takes place in each area of each nation, that struggle must simultaneously fulfill the national goal. In this regard, the Manifesto states that: “The struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, although in content, is not a national struggle, but at first takes the form of a national struggle. Of course, first of all, the proletariat of each country must settle matters with its own bourgeoisie”(4), and “When the antagonism between classes within a nation ceases, the enmity among the nations also disappear”(5).

The above perspectives are particularly important instructions for communists, especially in the new context of the times. That guidance notes that, in order to fulfill its worldwide historic mission, the working class in each nation-ethnicity must, first of all, be properly aware of the relationship between class and nation, and successfully resolve both class and national objectives, avoiding manifestations of national nihilism as V.I. Lenin has repeatedly warned.

The fourth issue: On the necessity of the working class to “become a nation”

Class and ethnicity have a close relationship. Under the influence of class and alongside it the state, nations worldwide gradually emerge (both in the East and in the West).

In each historical period, there is always a class representing the nation. The requirement is that that class must meet the interests not only of its own class but also the genuine interests of the nation. Therefore, once the ruling class becomes backward, unable to accomplish the above tasks, the nation sooner or later, faster, or slower, will find another social force to represent itself.

Therefore, in order to fulfill the historical mission worldwide, the working class in each country must first “become a nation” themselves, and become a worthy representative of the nation, chosen and supported by the nation. To achieve this, the revolutionary political parties must successfully perform the function of class organization and at the same time refining themselves. It is necessary to perform the function of the class organization because through it, the working class can not only maintain its vanguard role (both in terms of economic-technical, political-social aspects), capable of representing the most progressive of the nation, but also capable of consolidating its own strength as a class. On the other hand, the Party itself must also organize itself and perfect itself to be worthy of being the staff of the class, capable of leading the class and the nation to realize the goals of the revolution. Therefore, first and foremost, the working class must “seize democracy”, and “must become a nation themselves”. In this regard, the Manifesto affirms: “The proletariat of each country must first gain power, must rise to become a national class, must become a nation themselves”(6).

The fifth issue: On the unity of the peoples

History shows that, since becoming the ruling class, the bourgeoisie does not only failed to eradicate class oppression but has also reinforced and intensified the oppression of nations, escalating conflicts between various nations. Today’s modern world is also witnessing a series of catastrophic national conflicts for which the bourgeoisie is primarily responsible.

In contrast, the working class and communists declare their intent to establish peaceful, friendly, and cooperative relations between nations. Ultimately, in order to achieve that goal, it is necessary to completely overcome class oppression, but first of all, the working class “must become a nation themselves”. This also means that nations must be independent, because without independence and unity within each nation, it is impossible to realize the international solidarity of the working class and the peaceful cooperation and self-consciousness of these nations to achieve common goals.

It has been more than 175 years since The Communist Party Manifesto was published. Looking at the whole world, we can see that its basic ideology still has profound contemporary relevance. Currently, the world has over 200 countries and territories, and the old colonial system of capitalism has basically been abolished, but conflicts among nations continues to persist. Genuine peace, friendship and cooperation among nations remains the aspirations of progressive humanity. Many nations, especially weaker ones, despite being independent, are still oppressed and increasingly dependent on more powerful countries. What is the real cause of this situation, if not due to imperialism, which temporarily dominates and controls the global scenario, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern European socialist countries? To get out of this situation, there is no other way but to restore the true independence and unity of the nations under the banner of the working class.

2. The value of K. Marx and F. Engels’ views on the national question for the Vietnamese revolution in the current context

Since the Communist Manifesto was published, the national movements across the world have experienced many ups and downs, but the vitality of the Manifesto and its contemporary significance are still relevant. In today’s world there is still class oppression and national/ethnic oppression even though the form and content have undergone many changes. The dominant trend of the times is still peace, cooperation, and development, but conflicts and wars are still present. Over the past year, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is in some respects represents the conflict between Russia and the US and the West, stemming from many very complicated causes, including ethno-national issues and the way nations interact. This conflict gives us more evidence to affirm the value and relevance of the views of K. Marx and F. Engels on the national issue in the Communist Manifesto.

For Vietnam, the Manifesto’s guidance of the on the national issue are even more meaningful because Vietnam is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious country, making it susceptible to reactionary forces exploiting these differences to divide the great national unity bloc and sabotage the nation’s efforts for construction and defense of the Fatherland. The issue of consolidating the great national unity bloc is more difficult because Vietnam is the development phase, negatively impacted by increasingly fierce international competition, especially among major countries. Therefore, addressing the ethno-national question on both foreign and domestic fronts is an urgent and daunting task at present. That requires creatively researching and applying the views of K. Marx and F. Engels on the national/ethnic issue in the Communist Manifesto in the new context. In our opinion, we can encompass some major directions as follows:

Firstly, enhance comprehensive connections across all sectors between nations - ethnicities, as well as among different ethnic groups within a nation.

The basis of this orientation lies in the Communist Manifesto’s insights. It shows us that, under the influence of production and daily life, and to meet the requirements of production, various forms of human communities from clans to tribes, and ethnicities were gradually born. Accordingly, the social relationships among the population are increasingly expanded and developed, and conversely, those relationships become the basis for maintaining the existence of human communities. Therefore, strengthening social relations will contribute to strengthening solidarity within each nation - ethnicity and between nations - ethnicities.

Furthermore, historical reality indicates that whenever relationships among ethnicities intensify, humanity takes on a new facade towards progression, and Vietnam is no exception. Since the beginning of renovation, with the positive policy of the international integration, the country’s stature and power have witnessed a positive transformation. At home, national unity is maintained and strengthened, national internal strength is promoted. Therefore, taking advantage of every opportunity of globalization and international integration on the basis of policy independence in the new context is the principle to build a powerful country, and firmly protect the territorial integrity and national sovereignty.

Secondly, correctly address the relationship between class and ethnicity

Marxist theory on ethnicity in general and the Communist Manifesto in particular affirms that there is a very close relationship between ethnicity and class. In order to completely solve the situation of national oppression, it is necessary to thoroughly overcome the root cause leading to that situation, which is class oppression. However, it is worth noting the opinion of K. Marx and F. Engels that, first of all, the class struggle takes place on the national level, so the working class must first be able to represent the ethnicity, must “become an ethnicity by yourself”. Therefore, in addition to the class goal, it needs and must deal with the national goal.

The lesson of history shows that by properly resolving the relationship between class and ethnicity, President Ho Chi Minh and our Party led the people to regain national independence, and confidently embarked on building a socialist regime. In the renovation process, the correct settlement of the relationship between class and ethnicity has brought about great achievements of historical significance. “Our country has never had the opportunity, potential, position, and international prestige like it has today”. These achievements confirm that our Party not only represents the class but is also the true representative of the nation. Therefore, in order to continue to move the country forward, it is necessary to continue insisting on class goals, and at the same time, “assure the highest interests of the nation - ethnicity on the basis of the basic principles of the United Nations Charter and international law, equality, cooperation and mutual benefit”(7) in order to elevate the overall quality of life of the citizens, strengthen the internal strength of the nation, and at the same time maintain the leadership role of the Party, speeding up the process of realizing the goals of socialism.

Thirdly, the Party must be worthy of representing the true interests of the nation

Being worthy of being the true representative of the interests of the class and the nation is the goal and motto of our Party. At the same time, it is an objective requirement to maintain and strengthen the role of a ruling communist political party. In order to fulfill that glorious mission, the Party must be “moral and civilized”. To do this, there is no other choice but for the Party to self-correct, harness its internal strength, self-mature, and must rely on the people to build the Party. This issue was addressed by President Ho Chi Minh many times. In the Sacred Testament, he advised: “To combat what is obsolete and degenerate and create what is fresh and wholesome”, “To win victory in this colossal war, it is necessary to mobilize the entire people, relying on the great force of the whole people”. In the Document of the 13th National Party Congress, our Party also affirmed: “Strengthen the close relationship between the Party and the people, relying on the people to develop the Party”(8).

Fourthly, firmly adhere to the principle of equality among nations-ethnicities

The Communist Manifesto clearly states that the ultimate goal of the communists is to abolish all forms of oppression between humans, and among nations, allowing individuals to realize their full potential and express their humanity freely. This very right and very humane thought is today solemnly recognized in the Charter of the United Nations and in many other important international documents. Ethnic equality has become a fundamental national right, affirmed, and recognized by the international community. In the current context, although the guarantee of basic rights of the ethnicity has made great strides, the yoke of ethnic oppression still exists, therefore the struggle of progressive humanity to protect basic national rights still needs to be promoted.

For Vietnam, creatively applying and developing the basic ideology of the Communist Manifesto, in the renovation period, our Party consistently advocates establishing peaceful, friendly, and cooperative relations with the nations of the world. The document of the 13th National Party Congress affirmed: “Consistently implement the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development”(9).

Internally, within the scope of the ethno-national, we have consistently implemented the strategy of great national unity. Adhering to this principle, the document of the 13th National Party Congress affirms that it “Ensures the equality of all ethnic groups, solidarity, respect and mutual development”(10).

In the context of fierce international competition, especially among big countries, Vietnam as well as many other developing countries face many new difficulties and challenges. Modern political practice shows that many small and weak nations are pressured in to choosing their goals and paths for development. Without independence and self-reliance, these countries may become tools of great powers and their people will suffer many negative consequences. In that context, the most correct attitude is to persistently pursue the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes and conflicts on the basis of respecting the Charter of the United Nations, international conventions and agreements. At the same time, it’s vital to resolutely condemn all acts of violence or threats to use violence in international relations, strive for a fairer and more equal world among peoples, where basic national rights are guaranteed. Accordingly, Vietnam “chooses not sides but justice and righteousness”. That is the most correct attitude in the context of today’s very complex world.


Received: April 18, 2023; Revised: May 8, 2023; Approved for publication: May 22, 2023.


(1) K. Marx and F. Engels: Complete Works, vol.13, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 1993, p.14.

(2), (3), (4), (5), (6) K. Marx and F. Engels: The Complete Works, vol.4, ibid., pp.603, 624, 611, 624, 623-624.

(7), (8), (9), (10) CPV: Documents of the 13th National Party Congress, vol.I, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2021, p.110, 191, 161, 170.

    The nationality issue in the Communist Party Manifesto and its significance for the current Vietnamese revolution