Scientific workshop “Vietnamese intellectuals in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”

17/12/2020 09:02

(LLCT) - The Fourth Industrial Revolution is developing at an unprecedented speed, leaving profound effects on all areas of social life, on the social-class structure, including intellectuals. In the new context, this core force who stand at the forefront of the creativeness and knowledge transmission are also under great impact, facing new challenges and undergoing new changes among themselves. Therefore, understanding the contingent of Vietnamese intellectuals to identify these changes is an urgent job, especially for those who do research and teach scientific socialism.

Scientific workshop “Vietnamese intellectuals in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”

Scientific workshop “Vietnamese intellectuals in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution"

Stemming from the above requirements, implementing the direction of the President of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, the Institute of Scientific Socialism organized a scientific workshop "Vietnamese intellectuals in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” in the morning of September 21, 2020.

General Director of the Institute of Scientific Socialism Assoc.Prof.Dr Ho Trong Hoai; Vice General Directors Dr. Pham Thi Hoang Ha and Dr. Nguyen Thi Ha from Institute of Scientific Socialism co-chaired the workshop. Attending the workshop, there were scientists from the Academy of Politics, Ministry of Defense; Academy of Journalism and Communication; a number of specialized institutes under the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (Ho Chi Minh Institute and Leaders of the Party, Institute of Political Economy, Institute of Party History ...) and all officials of the Institute of Scientific Socialism.

With 30 speeches and many opinions from scientists, the workshop focused on identifying, analyzing and clarifying the following main contents: (i) Grasping the views of Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts and the Vietnamese Communist Party on intellectuals and the role of intellectuals; (ii) Identifying new changes, current status and the role of Vietnamese intellectuals in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; (iii) Proposing main solutions to continue building and promoting the role of the Vietnamese intellectuals in the new context.

The scientists present at the workshop.

Wrapping up the workshop, Assoc.Prof.Dr Ho Trong Hoai thanked the enthusiastic comments of scientists attending the workshop and affirmed: (i) The Workshop has deepened the views of Marxism - Lenin, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts and the Communist Party of Vietnam about intellectual contingents in general and Vietnamese intellectuals in Vietnam in particular;  proposing important suggestions for further research to supplement and develop Marxist views on the intellectual contingent in general and Vietnamese intellectuals; (ii) The workshop has identified some new features of intellectuals upon the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; (iii) The workshop has clarified the characteristics of the new context and recommended many meaningful solutions to build and promote the role of Vietnamese intellectuals to adapt to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, meeting the development requirements of the country.


    Scientific workshop “Vietnamese intellectuals in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”