The material in the magazine

Political Theory - Vol. 22- Sep, 2019

30/09/2019 17:04


3. NGUYEN VIET THAO: International cooperation contributes to elevating the position of The Ho Chi Minh National Academy of politics

10. LE QUOC LY: International cooperation to improve the scientific research capacity and training quality of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

15. THONG SA VANH PHOM VI HAN: The speech delivered by the Ambassador of the Lao PDR to Vietnam

17. XIONG BO: The Vietnam - China cooperation on the party building and country governance: High value, large scope

22. NANCY CORO AGUIAR: Bilateral relations between Vietnam and Cuba

24. KONSTANTIN V. VNUKOV: Russia - Vietnam cooperation in the fields of cadre training and scientific research

30. OUSMANE DIONE: The road to success is always under construction - Knowledge partnership and collaboration between the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA) and the World Bank in Vietnam (WBVN)

37. KONAKA TETSUO: Vietnam - Japan Cooperation: Achievements in training of leaders and managers at HCMA

41. JINOH KIM: The Contribution of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for Research and training of cadres, leaders and manager at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA)

46. HO THI THANH TRUC: Important contribution of party external relations on the country’s diplomatic front

52. HOANG VAN NGHIA: International cooperation activities contribute to capacity enhancement of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics in the current context

61. LE VAN LOI: International cooperation in scientific research of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

69. NGUYEN THI HONG VAN: Proactivity and activeness in international cooperation expansion making a good contribution to successful HCMA missions fulfillment

76. NGUYEN THANG LOI:Improving capacity for the officials of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA) to meet the requirements of international integration

84. TRAN THI THANH THUY: International cooperation promoting the development of training contents and programmes for civil servants and public officials - the case of leadership studies in Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

92. VU HOANG CONG: Journals with international cooperation of The Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

98. LUU VAN AN - VU THANH VAN: The Academy of Journalism and Communication: Promoting international cooperation to integrate training and scientific research

    Political Theory - Vol. 22- Sep, 2019