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Great contributions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in supplementing and perfecting theory on the Party's renovation path

24/02/2025 16:59

DOI: 10.70786/PTJ.V42.9800
(PTOJ) - Facing and resolving the difficulties and complexities of history, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has implemented the guideline of theory closely linked to practice, relying on science, relying on the light of revolutionary theory, and regularly summarizing practice to constantly improve revolutionary theory. In that way, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has become a person who has left an outstanding mark with great and especially important contributions in supplementing, perfecting, and gradually vividly realizing the theory of the renovation path, of socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam.

Professor, Dr. LE VAN LOI
Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng, nhà lãnh đạo có tâm, có tầm của Đảng
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong_ Photo:

1. Introduction

With the stature of a revolution, the comprehensive national renovation initiated and led by our Party is a great cause. Starting that cause was very difficult, but continuing that cause with successes and victories is even more difficult and complicated. With the qualities, talents, intelligence, and mettle forged through practice, and real life, comrade Nguyen Phu Trong was gradually chosen by history and entrusted with many important responsibilities in the context of a very complicated world. Besides basic advantages, the country’s revolutionary cause faced many difficulties and challenges.

With steadfastness, strategic vision, sharp thinking, and “steadfast dedication to the revolutionary cause of our Party and people with a strong spirit and will, not retreating in the face of obstacles and difficulties; bringing all sense of responsibility, revolutionary enthusiasm, working until the last breath, wholeheartedly, and devotedly to the Party, the country, and the people”(1), General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and the Party Central Committee have steered the Vietnamese revolutionary boat through many ups and downs, bringing the cause of national renovation to continue moving forward with great achievements, of historical significance, developing our country “never before had the foundation, potential, prestige and international position like today”. Our Party has recognized General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong as “an exceptionally outstanding leader, a shining example of studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style, a loyal communist party member with great prestige for our Party, State, and People, fully embodying the qualities, talent, mettle, and intelligence of the generation of Vietnamese leaders in the renovation period”(2). General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a person who has made exceptionally outstanding contributions in practical leadership and direction, is an ideologist, a culturalist, and a theoretical flag holder of the Party.

2. Contents

2.1. During nearly 60 years of career, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong spent most of his time directly involved in the Party’s ideological and theoretical work in many different positions(3). From political articles to in-depth political theory works and books, he demonstrated scientific thinking, strategic vision, and steadfast and firm political belief and mettle. Typical examples taken include the article “Keeping Faith in the Chosen Path” (Communist Magazine, October 1991 issue), and the article “Striving to Build a Rich, Strong, and Civilized Socialist Vietnam” (Communist Magazine, September 1993 issue) published at a time when the world situation was experiencing unpredictable changes, especially when the socialist model in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union collapsed, and the country’s situation was facing numerous difficulties and complexities in the early years of renovation. Or typical works such as the book on the socialist orientation in Vietnam edited, published in 2001; the book Political Platform - the ideological and Theoretical Flag Guiding Our Revolutionary Cause, published in 2010, including a number of his articles directly related to this topic, published in newspapers and political theory magazines.

Since the Party, the State and people assigned him important responsibilities in key leadership positions of the Party and the State (Chairman of the National Assembly, President and General Secretary of the Party Central Committee), he has led, directed, and directly participated in summarizing practices, researching theories and planning the Party’s guidelines and policies during the 11th, 12th and 13th Congresses and preparing to plan guidelines and policies for the upcoming 14th National Party Congress.

Along with directing and participating in the research, supplementation, and development of the Platform for National Construction in the Transitional Period to Socialism (supplemented and developed in 2011), Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong also wrote composed articles, speeches, and books summarizing practices, drawing conclusions and generalizing theories, and orienting and directing practical work. With over 40 published books of political theory containing extremely rich ideological content, covering the fundamental and important issues of the renovation process(4), Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has made great and especially important contributions to supplementing and perfecting theories on the renovation path, on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam. The ideological and theoretical legacy left by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong the entire Party and the entire nation is extremely great, and valuable in guiding the country’s renovation not only in the present but also for the next stage on the journey to realize the goal of becoming a developed country with high income, following the socialist orientation by the middle of the 21st century.

2.2. The formation and gradual improvement of the theory on the renovation path is a process, associated with each stage of the renovation process, with the guiding light of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought while inheriting the fine traditions of the nation and absorbing the quintessence of human intelligence; reflecting the breakthroughs in the theoretical thinking of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV). The theory on the renovation path crystallizes the creative intelligence of the entire Party and the entire Vietnamese nation; is a system of scientific, profound, and comprehensive viewpoints on the regular issues of the work of building, developing the country, and defending the Fatherland in the renovation period, both containing general contents on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam in the new period and containing specific contents in each area of social life.

From the Party’s documents and through the speeches, articles, and books of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong from 2011 to the present, it can be seen that the theory on the Party’s renovation policy has been constantly supplemented and developed to new heights, in which the outstanding mark and great contribution of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong are shown.

Firstly, the theory of socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam

Typical works are the book on the major relationships that need to be resolved well in the process of renovation and socialism in our country, edited by Professor, Doctor Nguyen Phu Trong, published in 2011; the talk: Socialism and the path to socialism - seen from Vietnam’s practice at the Nico Lopez High-level Party School (Cuba) on April 9, 2012; two books: Firmly Stepping on the Path of Renovation (2017) and Some Theoretical and Practical Issues on Socialism and the Path to Socialism in Vietnam, published in 2022. He stated that what socialism is and how to move towards socialism is something that “we always wonder, think, explore, and choose to gradually perfect the guidelines, viewpoints, and organization of implementation so that it both follows the general rules and is suitable to the specific conditions of Vietnam”(5). As someone who firmly grasps, steadfastly applies, and creatively develops Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, while always paying attention to inheriting the nation’s fine and good traditions, absorbing the quintessence of human wisdom in conjunction with summarizing practices, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has deeply explained and clarified many theoretical issues on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam.

First, theory on the model of Vietnamese socialism

Based on the methodology of Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong objectively analyzed the contemporary world context, pointing out that although modern capitalism has achieved many great achievements, especially in the field of liberation and development of productive forces, but it is essentially still an exploitative, unequal, and unjust regime; “That system of power still mainly belongs to the wealthy minority and serves the interests of large capitalist corporations”(6). Meanwhile, according to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, “We need a society in which development is truly for the people, not for profit that exploits and tramples on human dignity”(7). From summarizing the historical practice of the revolutionary struggle of the Party and the nation, Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed that national independence associated with socialism is the fundamental and consistent guideline of the Vietnamese revolution, that is the aspiration of our people, the right choice of CPV and President Ho Chi Minh, in line with the development trend of history.

According to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, up to now, although there are still some issues that need to be further studied, we have formed a general awareness of the socialist society that our Party and people are striving to build with 8 basic characteristics, both demonstrating the universality of socialism according to the principles of Marxism-Leninism and containing the specific features of the Vietnamese socialist model. That is “a nation with a rich people, a strong, democratic, equitable, and civilized society; owned by the people; with a highly developed economy, based on modern productive forces and appropriate progressive production relations; with an advanced culture, deeply imbued with national identity; people have a prosperous, free, and happy life, with conditions for comprehensive development; ethnic groups in the Vietnamese community are equal, united, respect, and help one another to develop together; there is a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, for the people led by the Communist Party; have friendly and cooperative relations with other countries around the world”(8). Pointing out those characteristics shows that the theoretical awareness of socialism is becoming clearer, more complete, comprehensive, and more realistic. As an excellent theorist, the General Secretary clearly understood that socialism as a doctrine, a movement, and a realistic social regime must constantly move, develop, and always refresh itself to meet practical requirements. Therefore, in the process of directing the drafting of the documents of the 14th National Party Congress, he paid great attention to directing the summarization of new points in theory and practice to raise the theoretical thinking of the Party. He suggested that the theory of the renovation path must demonstrate the strategic vision, scientific, revolutionary, and renovative thinking of the Party on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam; on perfecting the Vietnamese development model with the outstanding characteristics of stability combined with renovation, rapid and sustainable development, taking people as the center, based on three pillars: Vietnam’s socialist-oriented market economy, Vietnam’s socialist rule-of-law state, and socialist democracy(9). The clear, correct, and creative awareness of the characteristics and pillars of the Vietnamese socialist model makes great significance in encouraging and promoting patriotism, promoting the will and development aspirations of our entire Party, people, and army, mobilizing all resources, and striving together for the common goal.

Second, theory on the direction and goals of building socialism in Vietnam

Based on the country’s specific conditions and circumstances, CPV determined that the transition to socialism in Vietnam would follow an indirect transitional path, bypassing the capitalist regime. The 9th National Party Congress pointed out: “The path forward for our country is the transitional development to socialism bypassing the capitalist regime”(10). Continuing that spirit, in the book: Some Theoretical and Practical Issues on socialism and the Path to socialism in Vietnam, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized: “Saying bypassing the capitalist regime means bypassing the capitalist regime of oppression, injustice, and exploitation; bypassing bad habits, political institutions and regimes that are not suitable for the socialist regime, not ignoring the achievements and civilized values that humanity has achieved during the period of capitalist development”(11).

From the summary of theory and practice, the Platform (supplemented and developed in 2011) has inherited the contents that remain valuable from the 1991 Platform, while adjusting, supplementing, and developing new contents in many aspects, expressed through 8 directions stated in the 2011 Platform supplemented and developed(12). The above contents cover all aspects, and at the same time clearly demonstrate the key points in the guidelines, directions, and policies of the Party and the State of Vietnam on the path and methods of building socialism in Vietnam in the new period. On the basis of grasping and forecasting the domestic and international situations with many rapid, very complex, and unpredictable developments, the 13th National Party Congress concretizes the above directions, clearly defining the country’s development goals in each specific stage until the middle of the century. On the occasion of the 94th founding anniversary of CPV, the General Secretary wrote an article: Proud and confident under the glorious flag of the Party, determined to build an increasingly rich, civilized, cultured, and heroic Vietnam, demonstrating the height of summarizing practices and developing revolutionary theory. In the article, the General Secretary once again affirmed the goal of the renovation, construction, and development of the country as “Continuing on the glorious path under the glorious flag of the Party, building and protecting our beloved socialist Vietnam to become more and more dignified and beautiful, our Party, our country and our people will continue to look forward to 2030, the 100th founding anniversary of the Party, our country becoming a modern industrialized country with high-average income; and by 2045, the 100th founding anniversary of of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, presently the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: striving to make our country a developed country with high income; building our Vietnam to become an increasingly “prosperous, civilized, happy” country, firmly moving towards socialism”(13).

Third, the theory of major relationships that need to be well understood and resolved during the transition period to socialism in Vietnam

Under the direction of the Central Executive Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, headed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, our Party has continuously supplemented and developed theoretical awareness of major relationships reflecting dialectical laws and core theoretical issues on the path of renovation. From 8 major relationships (11th National Party Congress) to 9 major relationships (12th National Party Congress), it has developed into 10 major relationships (13th National Party Congress), which are: “Between stability, renovation, and development; between economic renovation and political renovation; between following market rules and ensuring socialist orientation; between developing productive forces and building and gradually perfecting socialist production relations; between the state, the market, and society; between economic growth and cultural development, realizing social progress and justice, protecting the environment; between building and defending the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam; between independence, autonomy, and international integration; between the Party’s leadership, the State’s management and the people’s mastery; between practicing democracy and strengthening the rule of law, ensuring social discipline”(14). It is noted by the General Secretary that the perception and resolution of major relationships must be objective, comprehensive, and effective, and absolutely must not be extreme or one-sided.

Fourth, theory on the subject and driving force of the renovation and construction of socialism in Vietnam

Thoroughly grasping the viewpoints of President Ho Chi Minh and our Party, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized: “The people are the center and the subject of the renovation, construction, and protection of the Fatherland”. Accordingly, “in all work of the Party and the State, we must always thoroughly grasp the viewpoint that “the people are the root”; truly trust, respect and promote the people’s right to mastery, persistently implement the motto “people know, people discuss, people do, people inspect, people supervise, and people benefit”(15).

Reality shows that the contingent of cadres and party members is also an important subject of the cause of renovation, national construction, and protection of the Fatherland, as President Ho Chi Minh pointed out: “All successes or failures depend on good or bad cadres”. In that spirit, the General Secretary determined that it is necessary to focus on building a contingent of cadres and party members at all levels, especially at the strategic level, and leaders at all levels with sufficient qualities, capacity, and prestige, equal to the task, “dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to renovate, dare to face difficulties and challenges and be resolute in action for the common good”(16).

At the same time, in the new context, it is required to promote the active, proactive, and creative role of the subjects, while utilizing all resources, arousing and maximizing resources and motivations to renovate and develop the country. The General Secretary pointed out: “The important driving force and development resources of the country are to strongly arouse the spirit of patriotism, the will of national self-reliance, the strength of great national unity and the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country. Promote the combined strength of the entire political system and culture, Vietnamese people; promote renovation, strongly apply science and technology, especially the achievements of Industrial Revolution No. 4. Combine the national strength with the strength of the times; maximize internal strength, take advantage of external resources, in which internal resources, especially human resources, are the most important factors”(17).

The General Secretary also noted that, “both theory and practice show that building socialism is creating a qualitatively new society, which is by no means simple or easy.” This is a great creative undertaking, full of challenges and difficulties, and shall go through a long and complicated transitional period to create profound qualitative changes in all areas of social life. The General Secretary emphasized: “During the transitional period, socialist factors are formed, established and developed, intertwined and competing with non-socialist factors, including capitalist factors in a number of areas, etc. Advancing in the direction of socialism is a process of constantly consolidating, enhancing, and promoting the socialist factors to enable those factors to increasingly dominate, dominate, and win. Success or failure depends first of all on the correctness of the Party’s guideline, political mettle, leadership capacity, and fighting strength”(18). Therefore, the General Secretary affirmed: “The consistent guiding ideology of our entire Party, people, and army is to steadfastly and creatively apply and develop Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought; steadfastly pursue the goal of national independence and socialism; steadfastly pursue the Party’s guideline of renovation; steadfastly pursue the principles of Party building; ensure the highest national interests on the basis of the fundamental principles of international law, equality, cooperation, and mutual benefit to firmly build and defend the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam. This is a matter of principle, of vital significance to our regime, the solid foundation of our Party, which does not allow anyone to waver or abolish”(19).

Secondly, the theory of renovation in all areas of the country’s social life

In addition to speeches, articles, and works on general theoretical and practical issues, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong had many speeches, articles, and works that crystallize the value of summarizing practices and developing theories on the renovation policy in all aspects and fields of the country’s social life(20). Through his works, theories on the renovation policy in all areas and aspects of social life continue to be analyzed, interpreted, summarized, supplemented, generalized, and oriented in a profound and vivid manner.

First, the theory of economic renovation. The 9th National Party Congress identified the “socialist-oriented market economy” as the general economic model of our country in the transitional period to socialism. Since the 11th National Party Congress, the General Secretary, with his responsibility, has continued to direct the summarization of theory and practice to continuously supplement and perfect the theory of economic renovation and the theory of developing the socialist-oriented market economy of Vietnam.

The General Secretary pointed out: “A socialist-oriented market economy is a modern market economy, internationally integrated, operating fully and synchronously in accordance with the laws of the market economy, under the management of the socialist rule-of-law state, led by CPV; ensuring socialist orientation, aiming at the goal of a rich people, a strong country, an equitable, democratic and civilized society. It is a new type of market economy in the history of market economy development; a type of economic organization that both follows the laws of the market economy and is based on and guided and governed by the principles and nature of socialism, expressed in all three aspects: ownership, management organization, and distribution. This is not a capitalist market economy and is not yet a full socialist market economy (because our country is still in the transitional period)”(21).

The General Secretary also emphasized that, in the new conditions, it is necessary to continue to “Strongly and effectively renovate the growth model, restructure the economy, promote industrialization and modernization on the basis of science and technology, renovation and high-quality human resources. Build and synchronously perfect the institutions for developing a complete, modern and integrated socialist-oriented market economy”(22).

Second, the theory of political renovation. The theoretical development of political renovation that bears the deep footprint of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is the theory of building a clean, strong, and comprehensive Party and political system.

Theory on comprehensive Party building and rectification in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, organization, and cadres - a key task of vital significance to the Party and the regime. The General Secretary emphasized: “Harmoniously, closely and effectively combine between Party building and Party rectification; between Party building and Party protection. Constantly improve the capacity and renovate the Party’s leadership and governance methods in new conditions. Strengthen Party building in terms of politics. Pay great attention to Party building in terms of ideology. Focus on Party building in terms of ethics, actively fight against bureaucracy, corruption, waste, negativity, etc. Pay special attention to improving the quality and effectiveness of cadre and personnel work - a key content in Party building work”(23).

Theory on the Socialist Rule-of-Law State of Vietnam. The most prominent mark of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in this aspect is the direction of summarizing practices, researching theories, building, promulgating and implementing Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW on continuing to build and perfect the Socialist Rule-of-Law State of Vietnam in the new period. Accordingly, the characteristics of the Socialist Rule-of-Law State of Vietnam have been clearly identified: “The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a rule-of-law state led by CPV; a state of the people, by the people, for the people; human rights and civil rights are recognized, respected, guaranteed and protected complying with the Constitution and laws; the State is organized and operates following the Constitution and laws, and manages society by the Constitution and laws; state power is unified, with clear division of labour, close coordination and effective control among state agencies in the exercise of legislative, executive and judicial powers; the legal system is democratic, fair, humane, complete, synchronous, unified, timely, feasible, public, transparent, stable, accessible, strictly and consistently implemented; the independence of the courts under their jurisdiction, judges and juries are independent of and only subject to the law; Respect and ensure the implementation of international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member, ensuring the highest national interests on the basis of the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter and international laws”(24).

Theory on renovation of organization, content, and operation methods of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations. The important theoretical and practical progress of this issue is that our Party, headed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, has issued and implemented Decision No. 217-QD/TW dated December 12, 2013, of the Politburo promulgating the Regulation on social supervision and criticism of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations; Decision No. 218-QD/TW dated December 12, 2013, of the Politburo promulgating regulations on the participation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations and the people in giving opinions on Party building and government building. At the 13th National Party Congress, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong continued to point out: “Renovate the organization, apparatus, content, and operating methods of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations under the motto of focusing on the grassroots and residential areas, effectively performing the role of social supervision and criticism, protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of union members, association members and people, acting as an important bridge between the Party and the people; consolidate and strengthen the people’s trust and attachment to the Party, the State and the socialist regime”(25).

Third, the theory of cultural and human development and social development management. Continuing to affirm, supplement and develop the theory of cultural and human development, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed that it is necessary to consider culture as the spiritual foundation of society, the endogenous strength, the driving force for national development and national defense. The General Secretary pointed out: “The culture that we are building is an advanced culture, deeply imbued with national identity, a culture unified in diversity, based on progressive and humanistic values; Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought play a leading role in the spiritual life of society, inheriting and promoting the fine traditional values of all ethnic groups in the country, absorbing the achievements and quintessence of human culture, striving to build a civilized and healthy society for the true interests and dignity of people, with increasingly high levels of knowledge, morality, physical strength, lifestyle and aesthetics. The General Secretary emphasized that people hold a central position in the development strategy; cultural development and human development are both the goal and the driving force of the renovation process; education-training and science-technology development are the top national policies; environmental protection is one of the vital issues, the criterion for sustainable development; building happy and progressive families - the healthy and solid cell of society, and implementing gender equality is the criterion for progress and civilization. Therefore, “We should not wait until the economy reaches a high level of development before implementing social progress and justice, and we should not “sacrifice” social progress and justice to pursue economic growth alone. On the contrary, every economic policy shall aim at the goal of social development; every social policy shall aim to create a driving force for economic development; encouraging legal enrichment shall go hand in hand with sustainable poverty reduction, care for those with meritorious services, and those in difficult circumstances(26).

Fourth, theory on national defense and security policy. Affirming, supplementing, and developing the theory on the Party’s national defense and security policy in the new situation, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed: “Maintain independence and self-reliance; strengthen national defense and security potential; improve the quality and effectiveness of foreign affairs and international integration activities; resolutely and persistently protect independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, sea, islands, and airspace; maintain a peaceful and stable environment for national development. Closely combine socio-economic development with consolidating and strengthening national defense and security. Continue to build a revolutionary, disciplined, elite People’s Army and People’s Public Security, step by step modernizing, with a number of military contingents, arms, and forces advancing straight to modernity, and so on. Build a “people’s heart and posture”, a national defense posture, and a solid people’s security posture as the foundation for the cause of defending the Fatherland. Strengthen international cooperation on defense and security. Build a strong reserve force, a strong and widespread militia and self-defense force, being always strong in politics, ideology, organization, and high combat power. Promptly detect and proactively handle the complicated incidents related to security and order, not allowing “hot spots” to occur”(27). That spirit has crystallized, developed, and continued to be concretized in the Resolution of the 8th Central Committee (13th tenure) on the Strategy for National Defense in the new situation.

Fifth, theories on foreign policy and international integration. This is also an area that shows the outstanding contributions made by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. That is to continue to develop the theory and practice of Vietnam’s foreign policy, modern and comprehensive diplomacy, deeply imbued with the identity of “Vietnamese bamboo” with the characteristics: “firm roots, strong trunks, and flexible branches”: soft, flexible, clever, humane, compassionate but also very resilient, determined, adapting to all difficulties and challenges. The General Secretary emphasized: “Building a modern diplomacy, focusing on promoting national defense and security diplomacy to protect the Fatherland early and from afar; strengthening economic diplomacy to serve development, taking people and businesses as the center of service; expanding and improving the effectiveness of cultural diplomacy, making practical contributions to promoting the national image and brand as well as enhancing the country’s overall strength”(28).

The General Secretary’s profound and comprehensive interpretations, analyses, generalizations, directions, and orientations on theoretical and practical issues of the renovation process have made an important contribution to bringing the Party’s Theory on the renovation path to new heights and depths so that the Theory on the renovation path can increasingly better play its role of accompanying, illuminating and guiding on the renovation process, building and defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Moreover, with dialectical thinking, with belief and strategic vision, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong also raised the issue of the mission, the honor of the country’s theorists and the prospects of theoretical work for the cause of renovation and national development in the roadmap to important milestones of national history: “Is it necessary, by 2025, on the basis of summarizing 40 years of implementing the renovation process, 50 years of national unification, to fundamentally perfect the theoretical system on the renovation path; by 2030, on the basis of summarizing 40 years of implementing the Platform for national construction in the transitional period to socialism, summarizing 100 years of the Party’s leadership of the Vietnamese revolution, to supplement and develop the Platform, to meet the requirements of the new period; to supplement, enrich and take a step further to perfect the Party’s ideological foundation; And by 2045, when our country becomes a developed country with high income, we will have a complete, scientific and modern theoretical system on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam”(29).

For General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong: Correct theory and correct guidelines are very important, but more importantly, those theories and guidelines shall be deployed, organized, implemented, and promoted effectively in the daily life of society and the people. After the success of the 13th National Party Congress (2021), General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized: “The Congress is just the beginning. Whether it can be done or not, whether the Resolution can be turned into a vivid reality in the future, whether it can produce material wealth, bring wealth and happiness to the people, that is the actual success of the Congress”; “To realize that, we must institutionalize and concretize with specific plans and programs, from top to bottom, with very close, specific and drastic leadership, regular inspection and supervision. Promptly proceed commendation and reward of good people and good deeds, criticism, and even discipline of those who do wrong, damage or violate the Party’s resolutions and guidelines. That spirit is what confirmed to be important”(30).

Following the example of revolutionaries around the world and the example of the great President Ho Chi Minh, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, together with the Central Executive Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat, have led the entire Party and people to strive to “bring socialism into daily life”, “bring politics among the people”, bring the theory of renovation, bring the Party’s guidelines and policies, and the State’s policies and laws into practical life in a vivid way(31).

Along with the systematic and synchronous implementation of institutions, regulations, organizations, apparatuses, etc., with the style of being close to the people, respecting the people, trusting the people, listening to the people, speaking for the people to understand, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong often applies Ho Chi Minh’s way of speaking, applying the folk songs and proverbs of our ancestors, using the language and way of speaking of the people so that cadres, party members and people can easily understand, remember, agree, support and voluntarily and enthusiastically implement the Party and the State’s guidelines and policies. Cadres, party members and people across the country remember and deeply believe in the images and metaphors containing the wholeheartedness of the leader who devoted his life to the country and the people. For example: on building a comprehensive and modern foreign affairs and diplomacy, deeply imbued with the identity of “Vietnamese bamboo” with the characteristics of “firm roots, strong trunk, flexible branches”; Building an advanced Vietnamese culture, deeply imbued with national identity, “culture is the soul of the nation”, “culture exists, the nation exists”; defending the country from the time the country is not in danger, building the army, the people’s police and the national defense and security of the people; building a team of “7-dare” cadres; organizing the implementation of policies and guidelines must be “right position, thoroughly understand the mission”, avoiding the situation of “drums beating one way, trumpets blowing the other”, “your rights, my rights”, “crabs relying on their claws, fish relying on their fins”; must follow the spirit of “The superior - subordinate unanimity”, “One voice speaks, a hundred respond”, “One mind from top to bottom”, “Smooth sailing across length and breadth”, fighting corruption with the spirit of “no forbidden areas, no exceptions, regardless of who that person is”; “there is employment, there dismissal in personnel affairs; having to go up, have to go down” is normal in cadre work; “Cutting off a few rotten branches to save the whole tree”; “There is no pleasure in having to discipline one’s comrades and teammates. But for the common progress, in order to hope that many people do not make mistakes, we must discipline them. Discipline a few people to save thousands of people.” Regarding revolutionary ethics and the responsibility to set an example, the General Secretary said: “We only live once, so we must live meaningfully so that we don’t have to feel regret for mean, despicable, shameless actions. What’s the point of having a lot of money?, we can’t take it with us when we die. Honor is the most sacred and noble thing!”, and so on.

For the General Secretary, words always go along with actions; what is said is done, and shall be done in a systematic, synchronous, certain, and effective manner. That is the effectiveness in all areas of social life such as recovery, growth, socio-economic development, and improving people’s lives. From a poor, backward agricultural country with a small-scaled economy, GDP of USD 26.3 billion in the early years of renovation, over the past nearly 40 years, the scale of Vietnam’s economy reached USD 430 billion in 2023, GDP per capita reached USD 4,300, 58 times higher than the early years of renovation; the rate of households following the multidimensional poverty standard is 2.9%(32). That is the effectiveness in preventing and combating corruption and negativity, in renovating, building a clean and strong Party and political system in all aspects. That is the effectiveness in ensuring national defense, security, ensuring peace, stability, cooperation, and development; effective international integration into the world economy, world politics, and human civilization(33), ensuring national interests and constantly enhancing Vietnam’s potential, position and prestige in the international arena, etc. Those results show the superiority of the socialist regime in Vietnam and affirm the value, vitality, and strength of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, and the theory of renovation of CPV.

The great achievements of historical significance over nearly 40 years of renovation have made the country’s “foundation, potential, prestige and international position” continuously improve, thanks to the great contribution of the 11th, 12th, and 13th National Party Congresses, including the outstanding mark and core leadership role of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong with his outstanding contributions to ideological and theoretical work, direction, and administration as well as exemplary practice of revolutionary theory, the practice of revolutionary ethics of diligence, thrift, integrity, uprightness, impartiality, public-mindedness of himself and his family, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has left a deep mark in supplementing, perfecting and effectively organizing the implementation of the theory on the renovation path, thereby making the theory on the renovation path constantly improved, along with Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought to guide the cause of renovation, construction, development of the country and defense of the Fatherland to win a great victory.

3. Conclusion

The theory of the renovation policy, in which General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has left a deep impression, is an open theory, a theory of continuous renovation, development, and creativity. The glorious career, a lifetime dedicated to the country and the people; shining intelligence, revolutionary ethics of diligence, thrift, integrity, impartiality; methodical, steadfast, steadfast, and resolute in work; sincere, simple, and exemplary in the lifestyle of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has the power to spread, motivate people’s hearts and is a source of inspiration, urging millions of people to act creatively for the Fatherland and the people. Therefore, more than ever, to turn pain into strength, our entire Party, people, and army need to fully and deeply understand and constantly realize the Party’s guidelines and viewpoints, the State’s policies and laws, and the ideology, viewpoints, and directions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to continue to enhance the country’s “foundation, potential, position and prestige” in the international arena. On the other hand, the team of experts, scientists, practical activists, and theorists in our country, based on the “4 steadfast factors”, need to promote summarizing practices, researching theories, inheriting and promoting national traditions, referring to international experiences, selectively absorbing the quintessence of ideology, cultural and scientific achievements of humanity to continue to supplement and develop so that our ideology, doctrine, and theory are “always refreshed, always infused with new vitality”(34) and accordingly, always fulfill their role and mission of accompanying and enlightening, leading the way for the renovation process for the sake of a rich, democratic, prosperous, civilized and happy Vietnam, as the wish of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong during his lifetime and also the aspiration of the whole nation.

Received: July 20, 2024; Reviewed: July 21, 2024; Approved for publication: July 24, 2024.


(1), (2) Funeral Eulogy at the Memorial Service for General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong,, updated on July 26, 2021.

(3) See: Communist Party of Vietnam Electronic Newspaper,, updated on July 27, 2024.

(4) The General Secretary’s legacy through books,, updated on July 21, 2024.

(5), (6), (7), (8), (11), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (21), (22), (23), (25), (26), (27), (28), (29), (34) Nguyen Phu Trong: Some theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2022, pp.23, 21, 21, 25, 24, 55, 48, 57, 52, 35-36, 51, 25-26, 57-58, 57, 57, 27-28, 61, 61-62, 278-279, 37-38.

(9) See: Professor, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang: General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - Outstanding Theorist of the Party, Nhan Dan Newspaper, July 25, 2024.

(10) CPV: Complete Party Documents, vol. 60, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2016, p.179.

(12) Firstly, promote industrialization and modernization of the country in association with developing a knowledge-based economy, protecting resources and the environment; Secondly, develop a socialist-oriented market economy; Thirdly, build an advanced culture imbued with national identity; build people, improve people’s lives, and achieve social progress and justice; Fourthly, firmly ensure national defense and security, social order and safety; Fifthly, implement a foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development; proactively and actively integrate internationally; Sixthly, build socialist democracy, achieve great national unity, strengthen and expand the national united front; Seventhly, build a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, for the people; Eighthly, build a clean and strong Party.

(13) -cong-san-viet-nam-post1074835.vov.

(20) Typical examples include: “Firmly believing in the Party’s leadership, overcoming all difficulties”; “Promoting the tradition of great national solidarity, building our country to be increasingly rich, civilized and happy”; “Solidarity and confidence to bring the country into a new stage”; “Turning challenges into opportunities, determined to create breakthroughs to develop the country quickly and sustainably”; “Building a clean and strong Party and political system, contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress”; “Resolutely and persistently fighting against corruption and negativity, contributing to the building of our Party and State to be increasingly clean and strong”; “The whole country is united, seizing every opportunity, overcoming every difficulty and challenge, determined to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress”; “Being proud and confident under the glorious flag of the Party, determined to build an increasingly rich, civilized, cultured and heroic Vietnam”; “Some issues on military guidelines and defense strategies in the cause of building and defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the new period”; “Honor is the most sacred and noble thing”; “Building and developing a comprehensive and modern Vietnamese foreign affairs and diplomacy, deeply imbued with the identity of “Vietnamese bamboo”; “Building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture, deeply imbued with national identity”; “The National Assembly in the process of renovation to meet the requirements of building and perfecting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam’s Rule-of-Law State”.


(30) See: Bringing real prosperity and happiness to the people is the success of the Congress,, updated on February 1, 2021.

(31) See more Nguyen Trong Nghia: The remark of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in the Party’s ideological work,, updated on July 22, 2024.

(32) See: Vietnam’s economy looking back after nearly 40 years of renovation,, updated on April 5, 2024.

(33) President To Lam: General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - An outstanding leader, devoted his life to the country and the people,, updated on July 22, 2024.

    Great contributions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in supplementing and perfecting theory on the Party's renovation path