Comprehensive strategic partnership, new milestones and prospects for ASEAN-US relations
(PTOJ) - ASEAN - United States officially upgraded the cooperative relationship to the level of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2022, working towards a common understanding: assessing partners, equal cooperation; developing and prospering together; and creating a secure and peaceful environment for the region. Vietnam is a member of ASEAN, proactively and actively working with ASEAN countries to promote ASEAN-US relations commensurate with the level of "comprehensive strategic partnership". This article clarifies the importance of the ASEAN-US comprehensive strategic partnership mechanism so that Vietnam devise an appropriate foreign policy to ensure national sovereignty and national rights, and at the same time, promote opportunities in bilateral relations with the United States.
Institute of International Relations,
Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

1. Elevating the ASEAN-US comprehensive strategic partnership
First, a shared understanding of valuing partnership, equal cooperation, and respect for the rule of law
The ASEAN-US dialogue relationship officially began in 1977, and in 2015 it was upgraded to a “strategic partnership” and became a “comprehensive strategic partnership” in 2022. For many years, ASEAN was considered by the international community to be the most successful regional organization among developing countries. This success is not only recognized from a regional perspective but also recognized as an organization being capable of sustainable engagement with partner countries.
On the ASEAN side, ASEAN always regarded the United States as a reliable partner, constantly strengthening the Strategic Partnership with the United States so that the two sides develop a meaningful, effective, and mutually beneficial relationship.
ASEAN has proactively established cooperation mechanisms with the United States such as: the Annual Summit, Foreign Ministers’ Conference (PMC) between ASEAN and the United States, ASEAN-US Senior Officials Meeting (SOM); ASEAN-US Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) meetings and specialized cooperation conferences and meetings at all levels. These mechanisms are chaired by ASEAN and the United States participates in open dialogue and consultation. In addition, the United States is also invited to fully participate in multilateral mechanisms and frameworks chaired by ASEAN. This shows that ASEAN always respects and highly appreciates the US as a partner.
In the face of changes and challenges in the world and the region, ASEAN approach in relations with the United States prioritizes respect for the rule of law, mutual benefit, mutual interest, focusing on dialogue, building trust, promoting common values and principles of equality, friendship, mutual respect, and trust.
On the US side, the US also attaches special importance to the cooperative relationship with ASEAN. The United States was the first partner to appoint an ambassador to ASEAN in 2008 and appointed the first permanent ambassador to ASEAN in 2011, became a party to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) in 2009, and established a permanent delegation to ASEAN in 2010. President Barack Obama was the first US President to meet all ASEAN senior leaders as a bloc(1). The United States has implemented cooperation in all fields of politics - security, economics, culture - society, and development cooperation with ASEAN through typical initiatives and plans such as: US-ASEAN Connectivity Initiative, ASEAN-US Action Plan for the period of 2021 - 2025.
The United States is a country that respects and always contributes responsibly to ASEAN-led mechanisms such as: ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF); ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM+), East Asia Summit (EAS), Shangri-La Asian Security Dialogue, and so on.
Particularly on the East Sea issue, the United States has always affirmed its support for ASEAN’s stance, welcoming ASEAN to enhance its role in promoting cooperation, dialogue, and building trust in the region, ensuring full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), building an effective and efficient Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The United States recognizes ASEAN’s values in cooperation with partners inside and outside the region: Australia, Japan, EU, India, Korea, New Zealand, etc.). US strategic documents mention the importance of ASEAN, in which the Joe Biden administration determined: “We will deepen our partnership with India and work together with New Zealand, as well as Singapore, Vietnam, and other ASEAN member states, to promote common goals. Recognizing the relations of shared history and sacrifice, we will strengthen our partnerships with Pacific island nations”(2).
The United States currently supports ASEAN’s central role in the Indo-Pacific region, considering ASEAN an important component of the “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” strategy. (FOIP). The United States hopes to receive support from ASEAN and its member states to ensure US goals in Southeast Asia. The United States continues to encourage and support ASEAN to implement specific tasks based on the principles of the new strategy being developed in the Indo-Pacific region, which continues to determine that the US-ASEAN relationship needs to play a central role in maintaining peace and stability and ensuring that Southeast Asian nations maintain the freedom to act, choose their own future direction, and be able to respond to regional challenges.
Recognizing the benefits of strategic partnership, ASEAN and the United States officially upgraded relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership at the ASEAN-US Summit, on November 12, 2022, in Cambodia with many expectations for new breakthroughs in the next stage of their relationship. During this process, ASEAN and the United States continue to develop relations on two levels: the regional level and the national level. At the regional level, the two sides still implement their goals through ASEAN’s operating mechanisms, including EAS, ARF, ADMM+, etc. At the national level, ASEAN members and the United States continue to implement their foreign policies towards the region, through bilateral channels with the United States, to contribute to strengthening and raising the ASEAN-US comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights.
Secondly, cooperation for mutual development and prosperity
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States provided special support to ASEAN, especially timely and effective support through the ASEAN-US Health Futures Initiative, the Network of ASEAN-US medical experts, supporting the improvement of preventive medicine preparedness and disease control in the region, opening the Regional Office of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) in Viet Nam. By the end of 2021, the United States announced that it had provided more than 42 million vaccine doses and supported more than USD 200 million to ASEAN countries to combat the Covid-19 pandemic(3) and promote joint research, health system capacity building, and develop healthcare workforce development, helping ASEAN respond to the risk of future disease outbreaks. Currently, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office in Southeast Asia is located in Hanoi – one of four US CDC representative offices globally.
Economic cooperation is considered a bright spot in ASEAN relations. Two-way turnover continues to increase, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, two-way trade turnover will reach USD 441.7 billion and total FDI will reach about USD 40 billion. More than 6,200 US companies are operating in ASEAN, making a significant contribution to the economic growth of this region(4).
The implemented economic initiatives are promoting economic cooperation between the two sides commensurate with the level of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. A typical example is the “US-ASEAN Economic Future Initiative” through eliminating trade barriers and economic growth, to promote growth and overcome the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic; “One-Billion Future Initiative” commits to unlocking the potential of both ASEAN and the United States, etc.
The United States commits to continue supporting the building of the ASEAN Community, emphasizing that ASEAN is an important economic partner of the United States. Through the “ASEAN-US Connectivity Initiative”, trade and investment activities from the US side are robustly implemented. The ASEAN market is creating more than 500,000 jobs for the United States(5). To promote effectiveness in economic cooperation and governance, the United States continues to support and provide aid to the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) Initiative, aimed at reducing business costs and facilitating goods trade, allowing for more transparent customs information between the two sides.
In addition, technical assistance programs such as “Connecting ASEAN through trade and investment” are actively being implemented by both sides. A typical example is the Initiative of “Infrastructure Transaction and Assistance Network” (ITAN) to promote high-quality and financially sustainable infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific Ocean region, which prioritizes the need to develop ASEAN’s financial infrastructure.
The ASEAN-US Trade and Investment Framework Agreement for the period 2021 - 2022 (TIFA) has been completed. This is considered the driving force behind the “Working Program on Initiatives to Expand Economic Cooperation”, focusing on promoting trade support, small and medium-sized enterprise development, and digital economic creation in the current period. Ministerial-level economic consultation meetings between the two sides are maintained actively. The US-ASEAN Business Council (USABC) plays an important role in supporting businesses operating in Southeast Asia.
ASEAN highly values and consistently regards the United States as the region’s leading partner in trade, investment, and infrastructure development, playing an important role in the process of promoting economic development, enhancing technical support, improving people’s quality of life, narrowing the development gap, and aiming for sustainable development.
Aiming for the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, within the framework of the ASEAN-US comprehensive strategic partnership, the two sides are ready for innovation and investment cooperation. In which, the US-ASEAN partnership is aiming to build the US-ASEAN Smart City Network (ASCN). Investing in cities that use digital technology to innovate, manage resources, and ensure cybersecurity is an urgent need of ASEAN, which the US side is capable of meeting. This is a driving force for economic growth in Southeast Asia.
In addition, ASEAN-US cooperation on promoting energy security is also increasing. ASEAN and the United States have coordinated to implement an energy work plan, aiming to achieve energy security goals such as electricity markets, natural gas, clean technology, and energy saving. On that basis, the United States has mobilized more than USD 750 million for the Asian Clean Energy Program for the period of 2020 – 2025(6). Experience from the United States in managing cross-border pipelines and standardizing natural gas quality has helped ASEAN strengthen energy integration.
US - Mekong cooperation programs within the framework of the ASEAN-US mechanism also continue to be promoted within the framework of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Currently, ASEAN and United States are actively implementing the Action Plan for the period of 2021 - 2023, which includes economic activities; sustainable management of water resources, nature, resources, and environment; cyber security; human resource training. This is decisive for ASEAN in implementing the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, the ASEAN Community Vision after 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda on sustainable development.
Thirdly, fostering a secure and peaceful environment for the region
Within the framework of the comprehensive strategic partnership, both ASEAN and the United States affirmed their commitment to promoting a “rules-based order” in the Indo-Pacific region, and peace in Southeast Asia. The United States is expected, in security cooperation with ASEAN, to use ASEAN’s security mechanisms to promote the principle of a rules-based regional order (The international order established after 1945 has been applied and recognized by other countries)(7).
The promotion of a “rules-based order” has been included by the United States in the US-ASEAN dialogue programs, especially within the framework of the previous strategic partnership and the current comprehensive strategic partnership. In these dialogues, the United States always affirms cooperation with ASEAN in ensuring a regional order based on transparent principles, with ASEAN at the center and resolving disputes in the East Sea peacefully, in accordance with UNCLOS-1982.
In addition, the United States also implemented many measures to promote the principle of “rules-based order” through the principle of respecting freedom of navigation and aviation in the East Sea. This is considered an important principle of the United States in maintaining the current world order. The US Department of Defense’s Freedom of Navigation (FON) Report clearly states: “Freedom of the seas” includes all rights, freedoms, and rights to lawfully use the seas and airspace, including military ships and aircraft, guaranteed to all countries under international law(8).
Both ASEAN and the United States support the efforts of ASEAN members and other countries in the region, including China, to resolve disputes and disagreements over territory and territorial waters in a constructive spirit and pursue sovereignty claims through diplomacy, using international and regional arbitration mechanisms in accordance with international law, including the adoption of the Code of Conduct in the East Sea to continue promoting peace and prosperity in the region. Both parties emphasize the inclusion security issues in the discussions at conferences like: ARF, ADMM+, Shangri-La, etc., including the East Sea issue, the issue of militarization of islands in the East Sea, freedom of navigation, and calling on the disputing parties to resolve issues by peaceful means together.
With the policy of strengthening alliances and partnerships in Southeast Asia, the United States is conducting multilateral joint exercises with Southeast Asian countries and partners such as: Cobra Gold military exercise, Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training Exercise (SEACAT), US-ASEAN maritime exercise. Accordingly, the US Congress has supported the Maritime Security Initiative with USD 425 million for the Southeast Asia region(9).
The above initiative helps Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and India increase their capabilities and capacity in continuing to increase maritime domain awareness until 2025. Many countries in ASEAN also participated in the exercise called Pacific Rim. This is the world’s largest maritime exercise with the participation of 25 countries around the world, covering activities ranging from disaster relief to maritime security and sea control operations, as well as exercising complex war operations. From 2023, the United States will deploy two aircraft carriers on duty simultaneously in the East and South China Seas, and 60% of the US Navy’s surface combat ships and submarines will be concentrated in the Western Pacific region(10).
2. Policy implications for Vietnam
Firstly, accurately assessing the role and position of the ASEAN-US comprehensive strategic partnership
The ASEAN-US comprehensive strategic partnership is facing new development opportunities, with many bright prospects. The results of cooperation in recent times show that in the common perception of both sides, special importance is attached to this relationship. The similarity in strategic interests will continue to be the basis and foundation to promote the ASEAN-US comprehensive strategic partnership in the coming time, not only bringing prosperity to both sides but also stability and lasting peace to Southeast Asia.
Currently the Joe Biden administration is vigorously implementing the “Safe and Prosperous Indo-Pacific Strategy”, promoting the central role of ASEAN. Therefore, the United States assesses its relationship with Vietnam as an important partner in implementing policies within the region. Vietnam needs to continue its policy of elevating the cooperative relationship from a Comprehensive Partnership to a Strategic Partnership according to an appropriate roadmap. Vietnam, as a member of ASEAN, needs to continue to share information, enhance mutual understanding, and strengthen trust with the United States, and coordinate with the United States on issues of common concern. At the same time, Vietnam continues to be a proactive, positive, and responsible member of ASEAN.
Within the framework of Mekong - United States cooperation, Vietnam needs to be aware of the need for a long-term strategic vision and cooperation to handle issues threatening the Mekong River water security for the Mekong Delta region. Vietnam needs to coordinate more actively with the United States in the Mekong SERVIR Initiative to effectively promote Mekong River water resource management programs and respond to challenges related to climate change. All levels of departments and branches, from central to local levels in Vietnam, need to comply with international commitments in management, using and protecting water resources in the Mekong River basin towards sustainable development, responding to climate change, and promoting sustainable development in the context of the country continuing to promote industrialization and modernization.
Secondly, maintaining a balanced overall diplomatic relations with major powers
Currently, many international commentators suggest that ASEAN countries have a foreign policy of “economic reliance on China, security reliance on the United States”(11). This is challenging the bravery and strength of community solidarity of ASEAN. Therefore, US policy towards Southeast Asia will have a strong impact on the security and political field.
In this context, Vietnam needs to attach importance to multilateral relations. Independence and autonomy are the overarching goals of Vietnam’s foreign affairs. Ensuring national interests, regardless of political regime or ideology. In particular, in relations with big countries, it is necessary to balance strategy and attach importance to all big powers. Ensuring a balanced distribution of benefits with major countries in Vietnam. Implementing “a foreign policy of balancing major power means accepting the presence and influence of major countries in the region”, including ensuring a relatively balanced distance with major countries in the world; developing comprehensive relations in all fields; maintaining an overall state of balance in relations with major countries, especially the allocation of benefits(12).
Vietnam’s strategic position is an opportunity to maintain strategic balance with major countries. In particular, with the US FOIP strategy being implemented in Southeast Asia, Vietnam continues to be identified as a key subject in the FOIP strategy of the Quad of the US, Japan, India, and Australia. Therefore, Vietnam needs to continue to build Cam Ranh port into a key international maritime logistics center and implement the “four nos” policy as Vietnam’s “four nos” defense perspective and policy stated in the 2019 Vietnam National Defense White Paper but can still make the United States and other powers coordinate to participate in peacekeeping and stability activities in the East Sea for common interests. Through regional peacekeeping activities, Vietnam continues to internationalize the East Sea issue to prevent and counter early and remote acts of force to protect the country.
Thirdly, be proactive, positive, and responsible in ASEAN’s multilateral mechanisms to enhance Vietnam’s strength
At multilateral security mechanisms founded by ASEAN (ARF, ADMM+, EAS, Shangri-La, etc.), as a coordinating member, Vietnam needs to continue to take advantage of the similarities in interests and approaches of ASEAN and major countries in regional security issues. Linked with regional security are Vietnam’s interests and sovereignty in the East Sea, which is currently a hotbed of strategic competition between the US-China and other major countries. Therefore, Vietnam needs to “continue to leverage consensus in terms of interests and approaches of ASEAN and major countries on the East Sea issue to protect national interests and promote ways to resolve disputes in the East Sea in a peaceful manner, respecting international law”(14).
Furthermore, the US strategy on economic cooperation does not conflict with the views, positions, and interests of ASEAN, opening up opportunities for cooperation between ASEAN member countries with the United States and other economic partners. Therefore, Vietnam needs to continue its efforts to promote the implementation of trade and investment agreements with the United States to seek new resources for capital, green technology, digital transformation, etc., to create motivation to promote industrialization and modernization of the country.
After 46 years of cooperation and development, ASEAN-US relations have established a new milestone “Comprehensive strategic partnership” and are opening up brighter prospects for the coming time. The efforts from both sides in recent times have affirmed the spirit of trusting partnership, friendship, shared awareness, and long-term vision of both sides. Vietnam is a member of ASEAN, continuing to promote its proactive, positive, and responsible role, contributing to cultivating the ASEAN-United States relationship for the goal of peace, stability, and prosperity for the region.
Received: May 30, 2023; Revised: July 10, 2023; Approved for publication: July 24, 2023.
(1), (4) Thao Chi: ASEAN-US comprehensive strategic partnership: a new development milestone, Modern Defense Knowledge Journal, No. 12-2022, p. 27, 28.
(2) The White House: Interim National Security Strategic Guidance, 3-3-2021,, accessed on 29-4-2023.
(3) Manh Hung: Promoting the ASEAN-US strategic partnership,, accessed July 7, 2023.
(5), (6), (9) Pham Cao Cuong: US security policy towards Southeast Asia under President D. Trump, Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi, 2022, p. 178, 199, 178.
(7) “Rules-based order” is understood to mean that sovereign states agree to be bound by rules, and in the event of international conflict, the initiation and enforcement of laws must be subject to the Security Council, in the event of a trade dispute, it will be bound by the WTO; In case of a dispute between countries, it must comply with the International Court (ICJ). According to Dr. Pham Cao Cuong, US security policy towards Southeast Asia under President D. Trump, Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi, 2022, p.204-205.
(8) Department of Defense Report to Congress: Annual Freedom of Avigation Report, 2017,, accessed on 01-5-2023.
(10) Dinh Thanh Truc: Assessment of the US’s implementation of strategy towards Southeast Asia under President Joe Biden, Journal of Defense Relations, No. 59-2022, p.31.
(11), (12) Dr. Hoang Hue Anh (editor): China’s new foreign security strategy: choice for superpower position, Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi, 2022, p.341, 351.
(13) “Four no’s” defense policy: Not join military alliances; not associate with one country to fight another country; not allow foreign countries to set up military bases or use Vietnamese territory to fight other countries; and not use force, nor threaten to use force, in international relations.
(14) Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics: International Relations Textbook, Political Theory Publishing House, Hanoi, 2021, p.195.