Scientific seminar “Pham Huu Lau’s dedication to the Vietnamese Revolution”

17/12/2020 14:24

(LLCT) - In the morning of September, 24th 2020, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics held scientific workshop “Pham Huu Lau’s dedication to the Vietnamese revolution”. Vice President Assoc.Prof.Dr Le Van Loi attended and chaired workshop, along with Vice General Director of Institute of Party History Assoc.Prof.Dr Tran Trong Tho, Project Manager about Pham Huu Lau's documents. Attending the workshop were the experts and scientists inside and outside the Academy.

Scientific seminar “Pham Huu Lau’s dedication to the Vietnamese Revolution”

The general view of scientific workshop

The workshop aims to collect documents and give more information about Pham Huu Lau’s identity, career, activities and contributions to the Vietnamese revolution; clarifying his contributions while participating in the revolution and taking important positions in the Party.

Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Assoc.Prof.Dr Le Van Loi affirmed: Pham Huu Lau (also known as Lo, Nguyen Van Tu) was an excellent person and the first communist member of Dong Thap province. He experienced different events in his life and revolutionary career. During 30 years of continuous revolutionary activities from 1929 to 1959, he took over the senior leadership positions of the Party and made great contributions to the Vietnamese revolution. He was an example of humility, love for the people and other comrades; high sense of responsibility with the Party, serving the Fatherland and the People as reasons for his life.

At the workshop, delegates and scientists expressed their opinions on such contents as: historical tradition, cultural environment of Dong Thap homeland and Pham Huu Lau’s revolutionary enlightenment process to become a communist; his process of joining the revolution from a patriotic soldier to a communist soldier; his activities and contributions in building the armed forces, in the resistance war against the French colonialists and the US imperialists. The workshop also clarifies the issues that need further study about Pham Huu Lau’s activities and his contributions to the Party and the Vietnamese revolution.

The speeches unanimously affirmed that Pham Huu Lau was a communist soldier devoted his life to the revolution, a "rare revolutionary moral example", imprinted with "communist humanism”. He was an example of putting revolutionary interests above personal interests, being wholeheartedly concerned with the affairs of the Party and the revolution; an example of the spirit of perseverance in the revolution, defending the Party, defending the dignity and temperament of the communists even in enemy detention, maintaining absolute confidence in the Party's leadership and the victory of the revolution, etc.

The experts and scientists present at the workshop

Pham Huu Lau (1906-1959) was born in Hoa An village, An Tinh district, Cao Lanh district, Sa Dec province. He was the first Communist Party member of Sa Dec province (currently Dong Thap province). He used to hold many important positions in the Party leadership in the provinces of Sa Dec, My Tho and the Southern Administrative Resistance Committee, the Southern Police Department during the war against French colonialism (1945-1954). He was Deputy Secretary, Secretary of the Southern Party Committee in the early years of the war against the US (1954-1959).

Political Theory (Source:
